Friday, December 9, 2011

Alley in December

So it is that time of the year when it is cold, dark, (and lately rainy) outside and NO ONE wants to have to stay outside all day...especially this kid. So she's been getting a lot of couch time in so far this winter season!
The Santa outfit wasn't her idea (or mine for that matter). My strange, but sweet neighbors up the street bought this for her (er...back in October...see what I mean) and have bugged me ever since to get photographs of her in the suit. (in their defense their little old dog died a few months Alley is sort of "their" pup too...they love her...she um...kinda hates them...the kid anyway).
So there are pics here of her in her Santa outfit as well...ha ha. (Can you see the humiliation in her eyes?)
(Click the pic)

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