I headed down to my mom and dad's for Easter. On the return ride home, I decided to drive through Lawrenceburg, Tennessee and Columbia, Tennessee instead of the usual route I take through Pulaski, Tennessee. I don't think I've been through Lawrenceburg since I was in college (not much has changed), but I'd never been to David Crockett State Park, so I thought I'd run by there and see what I could find. I got a few photos.(CLICK THE PIC)
Tuesday night (April 19) was an seasonably warm evening with clear skies. I decided it was not the kind of night to just sit inside, so headed out downtown to the Courthouse and the courtyard there. It has some potential for some good photographs there. I didn't have my tripod or anything so I was a little limited on what I could do.
It is a cool place...as long as you don't have to go to court...ha.(Click the Pic)
So my photography group SNAP had a "field trip" day a couple of weeks ago to Bells Bend Park just north of Nashville, on the Cumberland river. I didn't make it the day they went because it was COLD and RAINY. So I went today which was MUCH warmer and nicer. Our next meeting we will share prints of photos we took. These are the ones I came up with. It was a nice peaceful walk with the smell of cedar in the air.(CLICK the PIC)